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Wellness Pro Plus®

A technologically advanced TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) and a Microcurrent therapy device focusing on pain relief.

FDA approved for pain management. May be covered by your insurance!

Tired of living with pain?

Pain is an alarm signal sent by our bodies saying something is wrong. It requires attention. Whether the pain is sharp, sudden and short or it lasts for months, it demands a response.


To ignore pain is to invite serious consequences.

Chronic pain impacts multiple aspects of our lives: sleep, brain function, our mental health, cardiovascular health, and sexual function.  It impairs our overall quality of life.

Persistent pain is a danger signal that a potentially life-threatening toll is being exacted on the human body and mind.

Electrical impulses from the nerves near areas of our body that are damaged or otherwise harmed travel to our brain, delivering the unpleasant sensation of pain. The WellnessPro Plus® operates by interrupting these signals to reduce or even eliminate the pain information the brain receives. Pain relief is achieved without the need for other painkillers that often come with significant side effects and risks like addiction.

See tabs below, video to the left and PDF for more information.

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Electrotherapy is a nerve stimulation therapy. It operates via carefully developed electrical impulses that mimic our body’s signals to help restore damage caused by injuries or accidents.


Bio-electrical stimulation is a safe, non-toxic pain management therapy that activates the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Electrotherapy provides targeted pain alleviation to specific areas of the body by modifying the body’s electrical language related to pain. It regulates signals and stimulates the body’s production of its own endogenous opioid peptides, which are chains of amino acids that offer pain relief.

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Using Wellness Pro +
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