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Quagmire Post

by Suzanne Fisher

With politicians ducking the issues and small town living goosing the author, the fowl-filled town of Quagmire was born and the Quagmire Post was created to report on the misadventures of its most-fowl (ducks, chickens, and geese) citizens.

Quagmire Post is a delightful spoof-filled look at human nature, politicians and us ordinary folks through duckly eyes.

The  Quagmire  Post  was  created  as  a  tribute  to  Millard  the  Mallard,  a  radio  star  heard  weekdays  on  WRVA radio  in Richmond, VA  in the 70’s , 80’s and 90’s.  

It is a duck's-eye spoof originally published as a newsletter in 1998 and 1999 and shared with WRVA's radio's listeners.

"Millard The Mallard" is  a Registered Trademark of Millard The Mallard Inc., a Virginia Corporation.   All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.

John Harding, the ‘voice’ of Millard the Mallard, offers a wonderful history of Millard at

The format is that of a newspaper with the following personnel:

  • Editor-In-Chief: Uriah P. Feathersnit

  • News Editor: Haven Hardbill

  • Society and Culture Editor: Lotta Beakins

  • Typesetting and Advertising Coordinator: Emilia Fluffdoodle

  • Sports Editor: Web Quackinbush

  • Special Correspondents:

  • Harriet Hardwaddle

  • Peter Paddlewell

  • Dewey Downpillow

  • Treata Duckwell

Quagmire Post e-book was created by It is an executable file. It will not harm your computer when you install it, no matter what your computer tells you.

Download and install QuagmirePost.exe and then click (or double click) to open it. Turn the pages by clicking on the upper or lower right corner of each page and enjoy the spoof on politics and small town living.

You can also use the arrows at the top of the book to move between pages and from the beginning to the end of the book. For your convenience, there is also a Table of Contents with clickable links to each edition of Quagmire Post.

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