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Lifeskills Workshop 36-hours, 9 Sessions

presented by

Suzanne Fisher

Author, Training Facilitator, Artist  

Learn tools for Healthy Living:

  • Anger Tools, Fear Tools, &  Shame Tools
  • Meet, learn how to heal and how to reparent your wounded Inner Child
  • Learn to deal with CORE issues such as abandonment, control & trust
  • Learn about Denial Traps and how to avoid them
  • Learn about moving from Victim Mindset to Survivor Mindset
  • Develop a Recovery Success Plan, a daily guideline to follow
  • Explore your creativity through guided exercises
  • Find your inner beauty in a safe atmosphere

When: October 25 thru December 9, 2014

   The Life Skills Workshops are a thirty- six hour intensive workshop series. They are held in four-hour segments for 9 weeks, with a graduation program on the 10th week. The Saturday afternoon sessions are from 1:00 P. M. to 5:00 P.M. Participants must commit to all sessions.

Where: Ellwood Thompson Community Room

   4 N. Thompson Street

   Richmond, VA 23221

Workshop Fees:

  • Workshop Fee: $  360.00
  • Materials Fee:   $    25.00
  • Lunch/Session   $      7.50 (Paid to Ellwood Thompson)

Materials fee includes a 118-page workbook, handouts, crayons, and other workshop tools.

Workshop Boundaries:

   Because of the intense nature of this workshop, participants must either provide documentation of ongoing work with a therapist (meeting at least twice a month) or enroll in the special Group Therapy provided as an adjunct to the workshop.

   Many times painful issues arise during the workshop, and it is important for participants to have help in working through them.

Workshop Sessions:

   Your Lifeskills Workshop sessions offer a variety of ways for you to interact with the information provided, and many different tools to assist you with connecting with the full range of expression of your experiences.

   With both didactic and experiential sessions and combinations of the two, most participants find that while the work may be difficult and challenging, it is also thought-provoking and the growth that results feels good.

We ask participants to commit to the full number of sessions because group unity is so very important in this workshop.

   Within the group process, we work together to create a safe haven where participants can open themselves up to and express their deepest feelings.

Workshop Curriculum

Your Life Skills Workshops offer you:

  • Definitions and comparisons of Healthy vs. Unhealthy behavior
  • A thorough understanding of CORE issues, how they developed and how to work through them
  • An overview· of the developmental needs of children and how to meet those needs
  • Extensive work in defenses, how and why they developed, and how to replace them with Healthy Tools (Examples: denial, rationalization, perfectionism, payoffs, control issues, wanting the quick fix, etc.)
  • An understanding of the ways early childhood trauma shows up in adults
  • Various opportunities to identify and own the ways in which you may have been traumatized as a child
  •  Family of origin work, including family roles, family secrets and toxic loyalty
  • A thorough grounding in how to reclaim your personal power lost to childhood trauma
  • Moving from victim to survivor mindset
  • Feeling and appropriately expressing feelings
  • Setting, stating and maintaining Healthy Boundaries
  • Replacing old, dysfunctional messages with positive messages
  • Healthy stress reduction methods
  • Tools for processing toxic anger and shame, and for separating it from anger and shame in the moment
  • Fear Tools for separating appropriate fear from inappropriate fear
  • An opportunity to meet your wounded Inner Child, and begin to heal the relationship, so that the Child can integrate with the Adult
  • An understanding of the value of your experiences in shaping the person you are, and the person you can choose to be
  • How to establish a healthy support system
  • How to access your full range of choices in any given situation
  • An opportunity to develop a Personal Growth Life Plan by defining what constitutes success in the Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual aspects of your life, outlining your goals in these areas, the steps necessary to achieve success, and your rewards for achieving success

The Life Skills Workshop offers gentle exercises, Healthy life Tools, and an opportunity for you to grow.

Participants are not pushed to do work for which they are not ready, but they are encouraged to grow and expand their awareness and their abilities.

Suzanne Fisher:

With many years of experience in all facets of training design, development, and presentation, Suzanne Fisher is a dynamic Training Facilitator with highly effective training skills and methods.

Suzanne is also an ordained Interfaith Minister and a Pet Communicator.

Her published books include:

  • me, too! 'How to Meet the Inner Child,'
  • Changing. Growing and Loving 'Exploring Recovery Feelings,' and
  • Anger, Shame and Fear Tools: Been There, Did That and I Feel Better published as a Kindle book at

Register for your Lifeskills Workshop today!

Questions, call (804) 769-8012

Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express accepted
as well and cash and checks.

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